Who Are Your Favorite Old-Time Non-Horror Actors?


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
Mine are Steve McQueen, James Coburn, Clint Eastwood, Charles Bronson, and James Garner.
Mine are Steve McQueen, James Coburn, Clint Eastwood, Charles Bronson, and James Garner.

I should have included James Coburn on my list too. Magnificent Seven, Pat Garrett & Billy The Kidd, Duck You Sucker, Cross Of Iron.

I always wanted to get more into Steve McQueen. I liked him in The Magnificent Seven, The Getaway, and his last film, The Hunter. I am also a massive fan of Clint Eastwood and Charles Bronson.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I love Steve McQueen. He was cast way too many times as a super-cool semi-tough guy but his greatest performance in my opinion was playing Henri Charriere in the lead role for Papillon. Problem is, your qualifier is 1970 and before and Papillon was done in 1973 so it technically doesn't count. If you've never seen it, you gotta do it (it's really long though so take an afternoon sometime and see it). Dustin Hoffman is fantastic in it as well. It could have won the Oscar for Best Picture had it not been up against The Godfather. Still, McQueen did a lot (most in fact) of his films before then so he definitely deserves to be mentioned. So do Paul Newman, Marlon Brando, Jimmy Stewart, John Wayne & Henry Fonda.

If 1970 is the cutoff (meaning no films done after that year), two names stand out for me....Clark Gable and Humphrey Bogart. If forced to pick one, it's gotta be Bogie.

My Mt. Rushmore would be Bogart, Gable, James Cagney (I'm not counting his cameo roles after 1970) and Cary Grant.


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
I love Steve McQueen. He was cast way too many times as a super-cool semi-tough guy but his greatest performance in my opinion was playing Henri Charriere in the lead role for Papillon. Problem is, your qualifier is 1970 and before and Papillon was done in 1973 so it technically doesn't count. If you've never seen it, you gotta do it (it's really long though so take an afternoon sometime and see it). Dustin Hoffman is fantastic in it as well. It could have won the Oscar for Best Picture had it not been up against The Godfather. Still, McQueen did a lot (most in fact) of his films before then so he definitely deserves to be mentioned. So do Paul Newman, Marlon Brando, Jimmy Stewart, John Wayne & Henry Fonda.

If 1970 is the cutoff (meaning no films done after that year), two names stand out for me....Clark Gable and Humphrey Bogart. If forced to pick one, it's gotta be Bogie.

My Mt. Rushmore would be Bogart, Gable, James Cagney (I'm not counting his cameo roles after 1970) and Cary Grant.

Mount Rushmore? Cary Grant? Hmmmmmm! Now that sounds familiar ;)

with Cary Grant, Eva Marie Saint, Adam Williams, Martin Landau, Patrick McVey, Leo Carroll and James Mason. :)
If 1970 is the cutoff (meaning no films done after that year), two names stand out for me....Clark Gable and Humphrey Bogart. If forced to pick one, it's gotta be Bogie.

I just got a Humphrey Bogart Blu-ray set and also The Big Sleep on Blu-ray. I saw The Big Sleep with Robert Mitchum and liked it but haven't seen the original with Humphrey Bogart. I will watch The Big Sleep as my first Humphrey Bogart film.

This was the set I got with his other classics. https://www.amazon.com/Best-Bogart-...&refinements=p_n_format_browse-bin:2650305011


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I just got a Humphrey Bogart Blu-ray set and also The Big Sleep on Blu-ray. I saw The Big Sleep with Robert Mitchum and liked it but haven't seen the original with Humphrey Bogart. I will watch The Big Sleep as my first Humphrey Bogart film.

This was the set I got with his other classics. https://www.amazon.com/Best-Bogart-...&refinements=p_n_format_browse-bin:2650305011

Excellent selection. Recommended musts for a Bogie Beginner: The Maltese Falcon, The Big Sleep, Treasure of the Sierra Madre, Casablanca, Key Largo, High Sierra, African Queen, To Have & Have Not, The Caine Mutiny, Sabrina....God damn he starred in a helluva lot of great movies!! He and Lauren Bacalll are an incomparable duo. Check out this classic preview from To Have & Have Not.

One thing that must be taken into account is the fact that these films couldn't rely on fancy special effects to carry them....people had to know the art of dramatic acting. However, some of the action scenes will seem hokey by today's standards. Likewise the black & white format can take some getting used to but there is a certain ambiance that comes from it that is missing from color films....hard to describe but just a certain feel that seems right for the times and the places that these movies were filmed. Enjoy....lemme know how you like 'em!
I just got a Humphrey Bogart Blu-ray set and also The Big Sleep on Blu-ray. I saw The Big Sleep with Robert Mitchum and liked it but haven't seen the original with Humphrey Bogart. I will watch The Big Sleep as my first Humphrey Bogart film.

This was the set I got with his other classics. https://www.amazon.com/Best-Bogart-...&refinements=p_n_format_browse-bin:2650305011

There are two different versions of The Big Sleep, The Directors Cut from 1945 which didn't get released for many years and the studio's edit which was released in 1946. Which one is on the Blu-ray set?