What's up with what gets deleted or locked?

I sure hope I don't get banned or anything like that and no offense to anyone but... Why is the following topic locked? It is about deleting another topic funny enough.


If it is bad should it not just be deleted? I would have pitched on the locked topic that the first post is gone because the topic was out of line. If this one is out of line get it out or let people comment on it. Please don't just lock it for me and others to see it and not be able to express their thoughts!.

solution 1: delete the post and all other posts about it. (not lock other posts about it)
solution 2: let people have free speach on the said situation within reasonable limits..

Thank you with no clue on why I can't post sometimes.. :)
If things are deleted people dont realise why they cant do something. Normally when a post is closed it is clear why but occasionally they dont. If it is not clear why something is being closed then i make a final post before i close it. The thread you are referring to was closed by me. The original thread hasnt been deleted, just moved to a private mods forum. The reason i closed the follow up to that is because it is talking about paedophilia and that is something tht cannot and will not be posted on this board.

The process of closing threads rather tha dleting will remain. the last thing we want is posts everyday asking "where has my thread gone" or "why was my thread deleted". When its closed you can see why its closed.

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