Video Game Theme Songs

PenIsMightier said:
A lot of fighting game music is pretty damn good. My favorites include Ken's theme in SF2 and the whole Guilty Gear X soundtrack.

GGx and x2 is uncanny. The music is most likley the best fighting music of all time. Millia, Ky, Sol and Chips are my fave. :nanner: :nanner:
Tyr said:
Anything by Nobuo Uematsu.

totally agreed with you, tyr. however i'd like to also add that of Golden Sun, KOTOR, and again, Nobuo Uematsu. :glugglug: cheers to Nobuo.


are you talking to me?
Χenon on Amiga :thumbsup:
Slackercrumbs said:
When you fight Jenova in Final Fantasy VII

Which time? Not like it matters though; J-E-N-O-V-A and Jenova Absolute are both pretty good.

Ace Combat 4 and 5 had pretty good soundtracks, lot of epic tracks.
im gunna have to vote for hell march from red alert that sock i actualy put on mix cds for a while *Nerd alert*