The Best Factory Job In The World

If you're complaining because you can ONLY drink beer during lunchbreaks, then your job can't be all that bad!!

I still support them. Mildly Tipsy Workers of the World UNITE!!! ;)


Scores of Carlsberg workers walked off the job in protest Thursday after the Danish brewer tightened laid-back rules on workplace drinking and removed beer coolers from work sites, a company spokesman said.

The warehouse and production workers in Denmark are rebelling against the company's new alcohol policy, which allows them to drink beer only during lunch hours in the canteen. Previously, they could help themselves to beer throughout the day, from coolers placed around the work sites.

The only restriction was "that you could not be drunk at work. It was up to each and everyone to be responsible," company spokesman Jens Bekke said.


And people wonder why Europeans don't want to follow us into war.

They have better things to do. Enjoying life, having sex with their beautiful women, and drinking the best beer.



Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I wonder why you send your guys to european breweries to learn the job how to make the best beers in the world, just to get them back and make them brew Bud Lite or crap like that.

Rather drink mineral water than that. Tried it twice, because I thought someone pranked me with the first bottle.

What the hell are you americans thinking ^^


I wonder why you send your guys to european breweries to learn the job how to make the best beers in the world, just to get them back and make them brew Bud Lite or crap like that.

Rather drink mineral water than that. Tried it twice, because I thought someone pranked me with the first bottle.

What the hell are you americans thinking ^^

Guilty, but things have changed. We now have microbreweries that! Some of them are damn good too.

True story that will either make you laugh or cry: I was stationed in Vilseck (next to Grafenwoehr) for a couple years, They were growing the post while I was there but we were still small. So many times in the summer, people would come in the Class IV (where you can buy beer, wine, spirits) and ask if there was more Bud light, Coors light, etc in back. All the good German beer in the world, staring them right in the face. They would walk out empty-handed and drive to the next Army post to go buy their piss-water, rather than buy beer that tasted like something. Americans are suckers. :1orglaugh
I wonder why you send your guys to european breweries to learn the job how to make the best beers in the world, just to get them back and make them brew Bud Lite or crap like that.

Rather drink mineral water than that. Tried it twice, because I thought someone pranked me with the first bottle.

What the hell are you americans thinking ^^

Ignorance at it's finest.
American beer is like making love in a canoe,
....its fucking close to water.
I'm not a big drinker, but my friends drink, when we go out they all order foreign or micro brewery beers.
A good number of my friends home brew, and there are plenty of supply and equipment stores for the home brewer.
I even have friends who grown there own hops, barley and other crops for home brewing
Nobody is more pissed off about the piss poor quality of American mass produced beverages than the American people.
Unfortunately its what is sold to us by the mass media and commercial industries, and sucked down by the yuppy pencil pushing corporate shit heads who live with there heads up there asses and wouldn't know quality or good taste if it kicked them in the crotch.
I'm not a big drinker, but my friends drink, when we go out they all order foreign or micro brewery beers.

I'm the exact opposite... If I'm partying with friends or going out, I think the highest class we go is Widmer Hefeweizen. Cheap crappy domestics have their place... For poor people who like to drink alot.

Now, if I actually want to ENJOY the beer I'm drinking and not just throw 'em back, then I'll stock up on imports & micros. I always have a decent amount in my fridge for when I want to kick back with just a beer or two over a couple hours after a hard day and taste something complex & delicious.
I'm the exact opposite... If I'm partying with friends or going out, I think the highest class we go is Widmer Hefeweizen. Cheap crappy domestics have their place... For poor people who like to drink alot.

Now, if I actually want to ENJOY the beer I'm drinking and not just throw 'em back, then I'll stock up on imports & micros. I always have a decent amount in my fridge for when I want to kick back with just a beer or two over a couple hours after a hard day and taste something complex & delicious.

My friends and I are artsy fartsy types - Enjoying imports and Micros is there idea of a wild party.


For those into documentaries, there's one called Beer Wars that you can insta-watch on Netflix. Good ratings and well produced with industry names that you'll recognize.

Beer Wars

2009 NR 89minutes

With her entertaining documentary, Anat Baron ushers viewers into the backrooms and breweries of the ultracompetitive beer industry and reveals what it takes for independent brewers to compete with the corporate giants who dominate the business. With a background that includes a successful career as a Hollywood producer and a stint as the general manager of Mike's Hard Lemonade Co., Baron is uniquely suited to tackle this subject matter.
For those into documentaries, there's one called Beer Wars that you can insta-watch on Netflix. Good ratings and well produced with industry names that you'll recognize.

That one was OK. I liked the blind taste test they did with the shitty domestics the best. Otherwise, it was cool Dogfish Head got so much exposure. Dude seems like a really cool person too.

I really hated how they went on about that lady with her stupid beer with caffeine though. It ultimately seemed very pointless to me. Besides, the market is dominated by malt liquor with caffeine, fuck off and make something unique if you want any kind of success. Dumbass.