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Texas Liberal Democrat hates women

BROWNSVILLE, Texas — A border Democrat recently caught on tape using the n-word to describe two black prosecutors is now in hot water for directing racist language toward Hispanics and sexist terms in reference to a female political opponent. While the commissioner has apologized for his use of the initial racial slur, it remains unclear if he has done so for the rest of his insults.

Cesar De Leon, a Democrat who serves as a commissioner for the City of Brownsville was recently exposed in an audio recording where he used racist terms to refer to African Americans, Breitbart Texas reported.

In a new series of recordings, De Leon now uses the Spanish word for “wetback” to refer to people from Mexico and a vulgar word for female genitals in reference to the sister of a female political rival. De Leon claims that the woman’s parents come from a poor neighborhood in the Mexican border city of Matamoros and swam across the river as “Mojados” to birth an anchor baby.

In another of the conversations, De Leon criticizes a separate public official and claims that he has bedded many women and if that person ever found out who he has slept with, they would all be surprised.

De Leon takes on the local school board by calling one of the female board members a “pendeja” (Spanish for imbecile) and another a “bitch”.

The series out audio recordings were first reported by Erasmo Castro, a citizen journalist who uses his Facebook page to call out corruption in Brownsville. The audio files all purport to come from a four-hour recording where De Leon continues to use offensive words to attack his opponents but at the same time, he appears to offhandedly mention multiple cases of corruption and apparent contract rigging.

In one of the recordings, De Leon recalls how people ask for his support with his response being “well what the fuck are you going to do for me?”


it's not the first time a liberal male feminist caught abusing women


I think it’s been too long without pointing out the elephant in the room occupied by Regressive Left Social Justice Warrior male feminists: they’re misogynists.

I’m not talking about the “misogynist” that the media throws around. I’m talking about guys who actually hate women, who hold ingrained and repressed contempt for women; those want to control women against their will and want to dominate them through their own selfish sexual gratification, either via sexual assault or rape.

The media have long buried this fact because in some cases they’re the very misogynists perpetuating these acts.

As noted by Crime & Federalism, former CBC host Jian Ghomeshi was a women’s study major, advocated on behalf of feminism against #GamerGate and called it out as being a harassment campaign. He was deeply involved in BDSM fetishes that resulted in some women accusing him of rape. He was later found “not guilty” of his alleged crimes, as reported by The Globe and Mail.

Another women’s rights advocate and male feminist, Sun Patel, lost several book deals and publishers after multiple women came out and accused him of abuse, mostly in regards to using his position to allegedly manipulate women. Unsurprisingly so, Sun Patel is another anti-#GamerGate critic, using Twitter to virtue signal as a way to archway to Venus. His gender-specific machinations caught up with him, and he paid dearly for it.

Devin Faraci, one of the most outspoken critics of #GamerGate – penning various articles and attacking anyone who associated with the tag – ended up losing his job as editor-in-chief at Birth.Movies.Death after sexual assault allegations surfaced against him. In an attempt to virtue signal against the disgusting act carried out by his friend, content creator “MovieBob” Chipman inadvertently admitted that the sexual assault allegations that were originally made public against Faraci weren’t the only ones, and that others had also made similar claims.

Starting to see a pattern here?

The most disturbing of the group is Matt Hickey, another tech journalist who was also an SJW male feminist and, surprise, surprise, an anti-#GamerGate critic. He’s been charged with a decade’s worth of rape and sexual assault spanning the likes of many women. Multiple victims came forward to give their testimonies against Hickey, who was also charged by the Attorney General for his catfishing scam he used to lure women to his apartment where he allegedly raped them.

That’s not even including the pedophilia seemingly rampant within the Social Justice Warrior community.

A lot of insecure women latching onto “feminism” and regressive Social Justice Warrior politics are being used as useful idiots and easy prey for legitimate sexual predators. Of course, many of these same harpies screeching online are too busy blocking everybody and opening the legs of social media accounts wide open for the very kind of perverts, predators and rapists that they claim is rampant in the world.


Another Social Justice Warrior male feminist has been forced to resign from his job as a broadcaster after claims of sexual harassment and sexual misconduct were made public.

Jamie Kilstein, the co-host of the Liberal outlet Citizen Radio and an infrequent contributor to the Huffington Post, resigned from his job recently after multiple allegations of sexual misconduct was levied at the self-proclaimed comedian and former radio co-host.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
FrontPageMag, Breitbart - Stormfront next? InfoWars? Maybe the latter is more MP's territory...

Starting to see a pattern here?

Yep. A pattern of nonsense posts from propaganda rags.
Breitbart a "propaganda" site. :1orglaugh

From the guy who probably worships at the alter of Snopes and Politifact and HuffPo and Salon. And donates to the hate group Southern Poverty Law Center.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Breitbart a "propaganda" site. :1orglaugh

Indeed! I recognize you don't think so, as to do so would start a chain leading to accept that your whole worldview sits on a bedrock of propaganda. I didn't label you a propaganda puppet because it's cute - it's because it's true. I also recognize I won't convince you of that, and I don't need to.

From the guy who probably worships at the alter of Snopes and Politifact and HuffPo and Salon. And donates to the hate group Southern Poverty Law Center.

Props for hedging your strawman. The projection regarding SPLC is a predictable touch though.
Indeed! I recognize you don't think so, as to do so would start a chain leading to accept that your whole worldview sits on a bedrock of propaganda. I didn't label you a propaganda puppet because it's cute - it's because it's true. I also recognize I won't convince you of that, and I don't need to.

Props for hedging your strawman. The projection regarding SPLC is a predictable touch though.

From the guy who has admitted to listening to less than 10 hours of Rush Limbaugh yet is an expert in analyzing his worldview.

No need to give me props for seeing through the transparency of pseudo intellectuals.

It's like shooting fish in a barrel. SPLC is a hate group. Identified and documented as such.
That is not projection. Of course you support that hate group. Deflection is not your strong suit.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
And yet... :1orglaugh
And yet, you have never once successfully refuted Limbaugh's assertions or stances.

You know, because he would be so easy for you to dismantle, him being the pseudo intellectual and all.

You should probably broaden your horizons beyond the barrel sometime. But then, you'd be a different person.

Yeah, probably so. Traveling to over 30 countries in my life and dealing with people from all walks of life makes me a veritable shut in
Documented, you say? Do tell! Where do I find this documentation?

The SPLC documents their status as a hate group on a daily basis.

All one has to do is investigate them.https://townhall.com/columnists/joshgoldstein/2017/07/26/splc-hate-group-n2360208

But you do you. It has worked out so well for you thus far.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Guys, guys, more about the original post, less about taking shots at each other.

Regarding the "male feminist" who slipped verbally and got recorded using the "n-word":

Shit happens. And it is VERY unfortunate if you are trying to professionally help people. But it should be clear that painting a whole group of people as racist etc just because one or two show signs of such views is foolish.


Welcome Back, Kotter


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Guys, guys, more about the original post, less about taking shots at each other.
My dear Supa, that was the whole point.

But it should be clear that painting a whole group of people as [X] just because one or two show signs of such views is foolish.

What else do Breitbart, FrontPageMag, and oh, let's not forget, Townhall, have if not these narratives to peddle? What else is BeatMan implying with these posts?

Credit to BC where credit is due: Someone wrote it down, so his claim about SPLC technically fits the definition of 'documented'!
My dear Supa, that was the whole point.

What else do Breitbart, FrontPageMag, and oh, let's not forget, Townhall, have if not these narratives to peddle? What else is BeatMan implying with these posts?

Credit to BC where credit is due: Someone wrote it down, so his claim about SPLC technically fits the definition of 'documented'!

If you can offer something to add to a discussion besides snark, get back to us.
You proclaimed certain outlets as propaganda and one of them at least receives accolades even from their competitors as having a track record of accuracy.

Is there one conservative outlet that you deem credible? The close mindedness that you label me with is far more fitting for you. Which is ironic. Speaking of some of us so set in our ways that they will never change.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Har! Yeah, an opinion piece at townhall.com is documentation lol

If you can offer something to add to a discussion besides snark, get back to us.

Snark is more fun and less dangerous than the propaganda you peddle, so I remain ahead.

You proclaimed certain outlets as propaganda and one of them at least receives accolades even from their competitors as having a track record of accuracy.
Propaganda Site A giving props to Propaganda Site B?! You don't say!

The close mindedness that you label me with is far more fitting for you. Which is ironic.
It would be, if it were true. But like much of what you believe, it is not.

Is it close-minded to reject someone who tells me 2+2=5? Is it close-minded to reject someone who tells me water is dry? Would science ever get us anywhere, if thoroughly disproven ideas were continuously given daylight?

No. These positions are silly, if not stupid. Don't be stupid.

Speaking of some of us so set in our ways that they will never change.
To paraphrase/summarize the debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham:
"What would make you change your mind?

The engineer: Evidence.

The conservative christian: Nothing."


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I probably shouldn't get into this so I will simply state that Rattrap is correct when he identifies Breitbart, et al as propaganda sites. That's exactly what they are. Likewise on the airwaves with Limbaugh. To suggest otherwise is simply sticking one's head in the sand. On the other end of the spectrum, Huffington Post, Salon, Politico, The Atlantic....they are all propaganda sites as well. We all need to get over ourselves and stop pretending that whatever we want to believe is the truth when it is obviously simply designed to be what we want to hear. That doesn't make it news, it makes it propaganda. I'm as guilty of falling for this as anybody so I'm not trying to be holier-than-thou about it.

That's all I have to say on this. I would remind everyone that we really don't want to go down the same path where we were about a month ago, now do we?


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
I probably shouldn't get into this so I will simply state that Rattrap is correct when he identifies Breitbart, et al as propaganda sites. That's exactly what they are. Likewise on the airwaves with Limbaugh. To suggest otherwise is simply sticking one's head in the sand. On the other end of the spectrum, Huffington Post, Salon, Politico, The Atlantic....they are all propaganda sites as well. We all need to get over ourselves and stop pretending that whatever we want to believe is the truth when it is obviously simply designed to be what we want to hear. That doesn't make it news, it makes it propaganda. I'm as guilty of falling for this as anybody so I'm not trying to be holier-than-thou about it.

Yes...and no. To be fair, propaganda as Wikipedia describes it:
Propaganda is information that is not objective and is used primarily to influence an audience and further an agenda, often by presenting facts selectively to encourage a particular synthesis or perception, or using loaded language to produce an emotional rather than a rational response to the information that is presented. Propaganda is often associated with material prepared by governments, but activist groups, companies and the media can also produce propaganda.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda

By that definition, just about everything is propaganda, but that's as useful as the definition of 'documented' being 'someone wrote it down' - not very. It's the sort of definition that allows you to equate Breitbart and the Atlantic.

But let's drill down to the part that aptly describes everything BeatMan's posted here:
...using loaded language to produce an emotional rather than a rational response to the information that is presented.
Much like Limbaugh, these are like horoscopes - written vaguely enough with enough (to its intended audience) feel-good-or-feel-angry language that it can feel true, without actually having anything objective to prove or disprove. It's a natural defense for BC's "Refute him!" demands. It's pretty easy to identify: As soon as an article starts identifying 50% of the political compass as this or that, you're probably safely in propaganda territory.

The part that that Wikipedia quote is missing is probably the most important: Propaganda has an intent, which is to shift power into its creator's hands. Which powerful interest is driving it (or created the environment for it to reproduce itself)? "Follow the money!" say many who never bother when it suits their own biases.

It's the difference between your biased information from libertarians (small 'L') and biased information from authoritarians (where most of the American political sphere rests).


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
BeatMan is right up there with Meester with this sort of bullshit propaganda.
I probably shouldn't get into this so I will simply state that Rattrap is correct when he identifies Breitbart, et al as propaganda sites. That's exactly what they are. Likewise on the airwaves with Limbaugh. To suggest otherwise is simply sticking one's head in the sand. On the other end of the spectrum, Huffington Post, Salon, Politico, The Atlantic....they are all propaganda sites as well. We all need to get over ourselves and stop pretending that whatever we want to believe is the truth when it is obviously simply designed to be what we want to hear. That doesn't make it news, it makes it propaganda. I'm as guilty of falling for this as anybody so I'm not trying to be holier-than-thou about it.

That's all I have to say on this. I would remind everyone that we really don't want to go down the same path where we were about a month ago, now do we?

Oh for fucks sake.
If you want to moderate around here, apply for a position.
Otherwise, we don't need reminders from you about disciplinary action or the behavior that caused it. Thanks.
Oh for fucks sake.
If you want to moderate around here, apply for a position.
Otherwise, we don't need reminders from you about disciplinary action or the behavior that caused it. Thanks.

Blue C.... dont tell people to pipe down. this is an open forum and everyone has the right to an opinion.