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Something's rotten in Denmark ? Really ?


I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
A few days ago, Fox Business host Trish Regan compared Denmark to Venezuela

Denmark's social-democrat former Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries took the time to debunk most of what she said

Given the fact that Danes live in a welfare state that's been implemented in the country for decades, I guess danes are horribly miserable, just like Venezulians. Guess what Denmark was rank 3rd on the UN's World Happiness Report. And among the 6 countries that are often used as examples by social-democrat, 5 of them are in the Top 6 (Finland, Norway, Demark, Iceland and Netherlands. The last one, Sweden, is ranked 10th, which is still much higher than the US (18th).

It is true, they pay about 55% federal tax but because of that, they don't have to sênd huge money on private healthcare (or hospital bills), education is free, publc transportation are cheap and efficient, etc.
Denmark spends nearly 9% of its GDP on education, much more than the US (5%), which result on Denmark being ranked much higher than the US on PISA rankings (Programme for International Student Assessment) : in 2015 Denmark was ranked 11th, the US were ranked 39th.

All that (among other things) results in Danes being globally quite more happy in their lives than Americans, even thought danes live in a socialist country. Or is it because they live in a society shaped by social-democracts policies that they end up beinghappier than Americans ?



Staff member
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I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
Offcourse because of the side of the countries, not every policies implemented by Denmark's social-dempcrats could be implemented as well in the US. Public Transportation, for example

But on Healthcare and on Education, the 2 mains topics on which american social-democrats wanna implement a policy inbspired by scandinavians countries, single-payer healthcare and free education (including college) is totally applicable to the US and it would benefit a huge majority of the population.


Staff member
Offcourse because of the side of the countries, not every policies implemented by Denmark's social-dempcrats could be implemented as well in the US. Public Transportation, for example

But on Healthcare and on Education, the 2 mains topics on which american social-democrats wanna implement a policy inbspired by scandinavians countries, single-payer healthcare and free education (including college) is totally applicable to the US and it would benefit a huge majority of the population.

Yes but Obamacare's experiment was a failure and American social democrats with shitty candidates such Ocasio Cortez will never win anything. Ocasio Cortez demonstrated her unability of managing money and talking about economics when explaining of how to manage very important financial cash flows and how the redistribution should be done. But the ones who are boosting the economy are the republicans and there is a very strong chance that US might have the biggest economical growth period under this president. Trump was before all a business man and a finance person so every decision he makes is based on how efficient it is and how profitable it is. Another failed up healthcare system will once again plunge the US into debt, I don't foresee Trump doing this mistake.