[Scene Request] ID retro porn movie


I want to identify a movie I saw 10 years ago

I remember 2 scenes

Plot takes place in some sort of European castle, French or Russian, possibly in 19th century.

First scene

A lady, probable some princess, roams in outskirts of castle, (I am not sure), she flirts with 2 soldiers, then sex starts.
It has blowjob, she is held upside down by one man to give him blowjob in standing position
Then some sort of double penetration happens, oral and anal or vaginal.
Then cumshot and one of them piss on her.

Second scene

This may be queen or someone inside castle
It is gangbang, bit rough with slapping.
Probably occurs in dungeon, I am not sure.

This I remember

Quality of video is 80s, like VHS, but may be 90s also.

Some told me name of movie has history in it.

Can anyone remember this movie?

Thank you in Advance
Many possibilities.. Try remembering performers name(s) might help narrowing it down..
Also, try searching "tubepornclassic" might find what you are looking for.