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North Carolina wants to make sur that businesses have the right to discriminate the LGBT community


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North Carolina Overturns LGBT-Discrimination Bans

After Charlotte passed a city ordinance barring discrimination and creating transgender accommodation for bathroom use, Republicans in the state legislature swung into action.

The North Carolina General Assembly called lawmakers back to Raleigh on Wednesday for a special session. The reason wasn’t a pressing budget crisis, a natural disaster, or court-mandated redistricting. (That happened last month.)

Instead, legislators returned to the state house to overrule a local ordinance in Charlotte banning discrimination against LGBT people. A bill written for that purpose passed Wednesday evening and was signed by Governor Pat McCrory, a Republican. In the House, every Republican and 11 Democrats backed the bill. In the Senate, Democrats walked out when a vote was called, resulting in a 32-0 passage by Republicans. The law not only overturns Charlotte’s ban: It also prevents any local governments from passing their own non-discrimination ordinances, mandates that students in the state’s schools use bathrooms corresponding to the gender on their birth certificate, and prevents cities from enacting minimum wages higher than the state’s.

The push by Republican leaders is the latest front in a battle in the Old North State between liberal-leaning cities and more conservative areas of the state, and it’s also the latest front in a national battle over LGBT rights.

Charlotte’s updated ordinance was passed in February, after a contentious process. Existing rules prevented businesses from discriminating against customers based on race, age, religion, and gender, and the new ones added gay, lesbian, or transgender customers to the list. The most controversial provision allows transgender people to use the bathroom corresponding to the gender with which they identify. Such provisions are not uncommon—many major cities, as well as smaller ones, have them on the books.

Almost immediately, Republicans in the state legislature vowed to overturn the law, even though the assembly is not in session. North Carolina has become a fierce battleground for culture war issues. Since the GOP captured the legislature in 2010 and the governorship in 2012, there’s been a steady stream of conservative changes, from much stricter voter laws to looser gun laws to overhauling taxes. The legislature even considered a proposal to establish Christianity as the official state religion.

The state is deeply divided between liberal cities and conservative rural areas, and with few prospects to take back control in Raleigh, progressives have looked to local government as a way to enact change. The general assembly has not looked kindly on those efforts. In September, just as the legislative calendar was ending, lawmakers heard a bill that would prevent cities from passing higher minimum-wage laws, establishing affordable-housing mandates, or instituting rules about landlord-tenant relations. It would also have likely banned any LGBT-discrimination bans. Another failed bill would have required state approval for cities wishing to create new bike lanes.

Although the push to preempt city laws failed as the clock ran out, Charlotte’s new ordinance created a new impetus. McCrory, a former mayor of Charlotte, opposed the law but declined to call a special session, so on Monday lawmakers did so themselves. On Wednesday, members who could make it in time traipsed back to Raleigh to overturn the Charlotte rule. (Some missed the session, saying they did not have time to travel.) What exactly would be in the bill remained a mystery almost up to the moment the session gaveled in—the text was made public just minutes ahead of time.

Once released, it was clear that the legislative language was more sweeping than expected. Not only does it prevent local governments from writing ordinances that allow people to use the bathroom corresponding to the gender with with they identify, it also preempts cities from passing their own nondiscrimination standards, saying the state’s rules—which are more conservative—supersede localities. Local school district would be barred from allowing transgender students to use bathrooms or locker rooms that don’t correspond to the gender listed on their birth certificate. The bill would also ban cities from passing their own minimum-wage laws.

It’s a striking example of how North Carolina’s Republicans have decided that culture-war issues ought to take precedence over traditional conservative preference for local control. But they also pit the North Carolina GOP’s professed desire to improve the business climate in the state against social conservative impulses. Representative Paul Stam, a sponsor of the bill, called it a commerce bill, but many large corporations have stated their opposition to this law and others, concerned that they could interfere with business or hiring.

There were just 30 minutes allocated for public comment in the House during the session. (Committee members only got five minutes to read the bill before voting, though.) There was further time for comment in the Senate.

Since the U.S. Supreme Court made same-sex marriage the law of the land in June 2015, the new front in LGBT rights concerns non-discrimination laws. In one especially noted example, a non-discrimination proposal in Houston was defeated in November, in large part because of controversy over transgender use of bathrooms. The laws pit advocates who say that the laws create ostracism and danger for a transgender population already subject to threats and violence against opponents who maintain that allowing transgender individuals to use the bathroom with which they identify endangers privacy or creates a threat of sexual assault. (Experiences in places with transgender accommodation suggest there’s little risk of sexual assault.)

Two states have passed laws that preempt local non-discrimination provisions. In 2011, Tennessee passed such a law, and Arkansas passed one in 2015—both in responses to cities adopting or considering ordinances, noted Cathryn Oakley, a senior legislative counsel at the Human Rights Campaign, which opposes the laws.

Bills that mandate that students use the bathroom corresponding to their “biological sex” or some similar phrase—tied to what a birth certificate says in the North Carolina case—are more common, but none has entered law. In February, South Dakota lawmakers passed a similar bill, but Republican Governor Dennis Daugaard vetoed it, saying the law did not answer any pressing need and that local authorities were better-equipped to handle the issue than state lawmakers. The student-restroom laws raise other questions, such as how schools might seek to enforce then, and whether enforcement would make schools fall afoul of federal Title IX regulation and thus endanger federal funding. (It would be somewhat ironic if the state’s attempt to preempt cities was itself preempted by federal law.)

The law could have far-reaching implications both statewide and nationally. North Carolina cities will see local ordinances and minimum-wage laws rolled back and have to adjust. There are likely to be legal challenges. The law will be an issue in this year’s gubernatorial election, in which McCrory is set to face Attorney General Roy Cooper, a Democrat who called the bill “shameful.” And as perhaps the first law of its kind in the nation, it will create a template for other conservative legislatures to pursue. That’s unfortunate, suggested Robin Wilson, a law professor at the University of Illinois who helped broker a compromise on a Utah religious-liberty law between LGBT activists and conservative advocates. “For the state to just come behind and wipe that clean without thinking about commonsense solutions—I [don’t] think that’s the point we want to come to,” she said.

I though GOP was the party of small government... Seems that, when it comes to regulate how people wanna live their life, when it comes to their private life, to what happens in the bathroom or the bedroom, GOP want government to be as big as possible :facepalm:


Retired Morgenmuffel
Bronze Member
Man,. this thread is going to catch on fire :coolthumb:


Jack Davenport

I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
Not really. They made the correct decision. Any asshat can claim a gender identity and this law protects people. 99 percent of the population should not have to be deprived of everyday basic functions or being made uncomfortable because of a miniscule segment of the population nor should businesses be required to incur extra expenses accommodating them.

Anyone that is for this kind of crap is a fucking loon. But we already know that.


I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
This sums up why I despise radicals.

This SJW cunt is for the kind of shit like this law prevented and what Johan and The Fly espouse . Mongo would masturbate to the bitch.


How can you tell this woman is advocating for laws that would ban anti-LGBT discrimination ? She seems to have issues with white males, not with people who want to discriminate against LGBT people.
Or maybe in your tiny narrow mind all feminists are lesbians (or gay, if we talk about male feminist, which would be quite a paradox : a male who prefers to have sexual with other males but would be pro-women...)

Jack Davenport

I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
How can you tell this woman is advocating for laws that would ban anti-LGBT discrimination ? She seems to have issues with white males, not with people who want to discriminate against LGBT people.
Or maybe in your tiny narrow mind all feminists are lesbians (or gay, if we talk about male feminist, which would be quite a paradox : a male who prefers to have sexual with other males but would be pro-women...)

"kind of" does not denote specifically.
I'll bet everything that I own she supports every fringe issue under the sun. I bet you agree with her about "white privilege".

Cotdam freaks.

The Yak

I changed my middle-name to Freeones
I wondered if this would appear on the forum. Old North State in the news. We're also going after people who exceed the speed limit by more than 1 mph.


My wife doesn't know I'm a perv!

It turns out that a convicted child molester was behind the push to allow boys in girls bathrooms in North Carolina:

North Carolina’s largest city passed a law Monday allowing transgender people to choose public bathrooms that correspond to their gender identity, which the governor had called a threat to public safety and warned that the General Assembly may step in.

The former president of Charlotte’s LGBT Chamber of Commerce has resigned after he came under fire from a conservative group, which noted that he is on a sex offender list and questioned his role in supporting the city’s expanded nondiscrimination ordinance.

Chad Sevearance-Turner had been the president of the chamber, which supported the newly expanded ordinance that gives legal protection for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals.

Sevearance-Turner was arrested in 1998, when he was 20, and charged in Cherokee County, S.C., with a “lewd act, committing or attempting a lewd act upon a child under 16.”

The president of the LGBT group was a child molester. Surprised? Meanwhile, here is a result of the law they passed:

It was a busy time at Evans Pool around 5:30pm Monday February 8. The pool was open for lap swim. According to Seattle Parks and Recreation, a man wearing board shorts entered the women’s locker room and took off his shirt. Women alerted staff, who told the man to leave, but he said “the law has changed and I have a right to be here.”

No one was arrested in this case and police weren’t called, even though the man returned a second time while young girls were changing for swim practice.

This is the "civil right" that perverts are demonstrating for, the same "civil right" that companies like American Airlines and Dow Chemicals are threatening to boycott North Carolina for, for outlawing this perversion.

Jack Davenport

I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
The NBA has chimed in.

I demand that men be allowed to suit up for the WNBA.

Will E Worm


It turns out that a convicted child molester was behind the push to allow boys in girls bathrooms in North Carolina:

Figures. :facepalm:

The president of the LGBT group is a child molester. Surprised? Meanwhile, here is a result of the law they passed:

It was a busy time at Evans Pool around 5:30pm Monday February 8. The pool was open for lap swim. According to Seattle Parks and Recreation, a man wearing board shorts entered the women’s locker room and took off his shirt. Women alerted staff, who told the man to leave, but he said “the law has changed and I have a right to be here.”

No one was arrested in this case and police weren’t called, even though the man returned a second time while young girls were changing for swim practice.

This is the "civil right" that perverts are demonstrating for, the same "civil right" that companies like American Airlines and Dow Chemicals are threatening to boycott North Carolina for, for outlawing this perversion.

Perverts want these laws. Now they need to listen to Christians and leave them alone.

Christians don't have to serve you in any way.

The NBA has chimed in.

I demand that men be allowed to suit up for the WNBA.

Juwanna Mann

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I hope they pass a law like this in Nevada if it keeps out Springsteen. He's been irrelevant since 1984.

Jack Davenport

I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
Bruce Springsteen canceled his concert in NC this weekend in protest of this law.


Good. And anybody else that wants to stay away. I don't have a problem with genuine transgender utilizing the appropriate restroom, but if you are a cross dresser or just feel like you are a man or a woman on any given day then use the room matches your genitalia. No bull dyke is going g to be able to stand at the urinal unless she has been retrofitted.

Straight Shooter

1,000 posts to go for my own user title!
1. You've already been sharing a bathroom with transgender men/women. You just didn't know it

2. How will this law be enforced? Will there be a police officer stationed at every bathroom ready to check for birth certificates?

3. The authors of the bill feared that child molesters would dress up as women to victimize girls. But what's stoping them from doing that now?

4. Barring transgender people from the restrooms they prefer exposes them to harm by exposing something they may want to be secret: that they are transgender

5. Where is the data to support the "bathroom predator" myth?

Wait until this guy tries to use the women's bathroom

Screen Shot 2016-04-08 at 7.28.49 PM.png

Jack Davenport

I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
There is also the concern about chicanery in schools. This bill is more about protecting children than anything else. Any business, entertainer that doesn't like it we don't want your money in our state. Don't let the door hit you in the ass. McCrory is the best governor this state has had in a long time

Jack Davenport

I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
If you are transgender go ahead and use the restroom. Cross dressers and confused from one day to the next. Go fuck yourself.