My watermelon was sick...


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Looks rabid to me, might as well chain it to a tree and shoot it before it infects everyone else.
Watermelon was foamin' at the mouth, Earl. What was I gonna do!?

Well Jim, I don't know.

I'll tell ya whats I did! I took that thing out to the yard and got my rifle.

Jim, didn't shoot the...

Oh yes I did. Damn thing was just stubborn too. Didn't wanna die. I had to call a specialist.




Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Reminds me of the story I heard:

Angry man goes to the bank with a gun and a melon t complain to his bank manager

Manager sees the gun and says "Am I gonna die?"

"No" says the man "You're gonna fuck the melon"

And he made the bank manager fuck the melon in all different positions in front of all his staff and customers.
This is probably why guns are illegal in the UK
Gunna haf ta put Ol' Yeller down. He foaming at the mouth. He could get us all sick...

Naw, Pa. T'is my watermelon. I bought it. I'stake care of it, I will. Honest Injun.