If you had to eliminate one race, which would it be?

Fuck, two fuck ups and two accidental threads for one bad joke attempt. I'd ask how to post a fucking poll, but I don't think I'm ready for that kind of responsibility yet. Bleh! :o


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I would have carelessly said the human race, therefore exposing my alien identity and jeopardizing my mission....

which by the way is to study your sexual habits exploit your weakness for anal penetration and creampies.....and scat.

I would have carelessly said the human race, therefore exposing my alien identity and jeopardizing my mission....

which by the way is to study your sexual habits exploit your weakness for anal penetration and creampies.....and scat.

SpacePirateKing. Yeah, talk about sneaky....


Expect Nothing and Appreciate Everything
itd have to be the 5000m...i dont like running long distances :tongue:
All the new Formula 1 races in countries which never had a formula 1 pilot (but have a huge pack of bucks), such as Bahrein, Abu Dabi, Singapore, South Korea, etc...

The Jews.....Oh, wait!
Déjà vu...
Anything NASCAR, all they do is make like a thousand left turns during a race and they have the audacity to call it a sport. When football/basketball/soccer/hockey/etc. players are training, dieting and doing physically demanding things, they're practicing by riding in a car....WTF?????