Genuine or not genuine Loud and shaking porn actress

Hi All,

I have a thing for loud porn actress (I do not mean loud by saying words but rather with moans, growns, panting, shivering...). I love it when it is genuine with shivering, uncontrolled shaking. Cytheria and Tianna lynn are two examples

here is a question
I have seen this very loud porn actress:
-The scene was with Randy West on a glass (transparent) table. I saw the scene around ~ the year 2000.
-The girl screams not only in orgasim but while he is licking her.
-She was brunette.
-I looked at all Randy West porn actress scene but not sure.
-The scene was very memorable
-The movie was made by fox or foxy ...I do not remember exactly but I remember seeing that before the movie started, I did not watch the whole movie just had that scene.
-In the scene Randy West spends a good time licking, fingering her. She screams so loud that he stops few times...

Connor Macleod

Staff member
Based on your description, I believe it's Teri Weigle. She was great in her early work, but after that stupid/ugly boob-job, everything went downhill.
Based on your description, I believe it's Teri Weigle. She was great in her early work, but after that stupid/ugly boob-job, everything went downhill.

Thanks for your reply I was begining to lose hope of any response. Tery weigel has only 1 scene with Randy West and I looked it up and it was not that scene. I thought it is Jewel DeNyle but she does not have any scenes with Randy West. Besides the girl I am trying to identify was loud moaning, panting, ...NOT a dirty talker as Jewel
I think I need to post a thread in identifying the girl

Connor Macleod

Staff member
Thanks for your reply I was begining to lose hope of any response. Tery weigel has only 1 scene with Randy West and I looked it up and it was not that scene. I thought it is Jewel DeNyle but she does not have any scenes with Randy West. Besides the girl I am trying to identify was loud moaning, panting, ...NOT a dirty talker as Jewel
I think I need to post a thread in identifying the girl

Don't. I'll just move this one.