Game: You know you are getting old when...

When you bang a girl who's old enough to vote but not old enough to drink you feel like you're robbing a craddle.... not that I've done anything like that I'm innocent 'till proven guilty!
Sign's your getting old

You remember the tracks in the charts from the first time round.
You start saying I remember when.
Teenagers start calling You Mister.
Your no long able to count how much grey hair you've got because theres to much.
You remember the Sinclair ZX81.
Pong was your first memory of playing a home console machine.
Re: Sign's your getting old

KO_Computer said:
Man!!!!! How old are you (mister)?


Only 35 must be the teenagers round our way.Tried search it came up with nothing.
You know you're old when you Fart and dust comes out.
" " If you try to play CDs on a phonograph.
" " If you own a phonograph.
" " If you learned to use a slide ruler in school.
" " If you remember when there was no such thing as a world war.