FreeOnes Clan For Online Fighter MYBRUTE

If you're like me, sometimes you just surf p0rn faster than the internet can provide new stuff, so you need to kill a few minutes to let it catch up. Pulled this off of another bulletin board that I frequent; it's funny, but fun and free.

Create your own brute. Fight others...with knives. Swords. Bones. A trumpet...:eek:


Your little dude or dudette gets their own link, and others signing up below you and progressing makes you progress as well -- kinda like Amway! Anime themed with plenty of selection. Unfortunately, no nudity.
Re: Silly Flash Fight Game

It's a fun game that most people like because of a few reasons. Most importantly, ITS FREE!!!! Second of all, it doesn't waste hours of time like most other games. And third, it's fun. You start off by making a character (your "brute") through this link here.

1. After clicking the link you put whatever name you want in the box and set up his or her appearance. After that you click validate and your brute will encounter their first fight! Whether you win or lose does not matter as this fight is off the record.

2. After the fight there will be a link under the animation window that directs you back to your cell.

3. In your cell is where you can find more brutes around your level to fight - click arena

4. On top of that you can do other things like join a clan or join the tournament!

5. The tournament is designed to up your ranking and such.

6. Go play!!!!
Freeones Clan

Looking to get a freeones clan going in the online game my brute. The game is simple, make a fighter, and watch him. You don't do anything, accept check in once a day.

join up if interested.

I saw a few people join, if your serious about getting a clan going you should post here as well to let me know who you are, the game doesn't have forums, so we would need to chat it up here anyway.

People are clearly jumping on the site, numbers are building pretty solid. Need acouple of more levels before we can form. Keep 'em coming boys.

I know we have more gamers on here. Gamers love porn, and porn addicts love gaming. It's common knowledge.
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So apparently I'm illegally spamming now because I want to get a freeones clan together. Is it really so wrong to promote a site I enjoy and make it part of a community I enjoy?

Sure I posted in a couple of different forums, not all of us are gamer enough to enter a gamer forum, but most people are casual gamers to some extent, so I wanted reach those people too.

I'm still trying to create a freeones clan that plays my brute. Please hit me up if interested.

If you don't know about my brute it is a simple little addictive game, where you create a character and challenge others around the world. You don't actually play, you more less just sit back and watch the fights random outcomes.
Re: Freeones Clan

It feels like spam because a moderator merged these posts from another forum.

No clan name yet, I'll leave that open for debate.

One of our characters must reach level 10 before we can create a clan, so if any of you are level 10 let me know and we can start it through you.
Cool Internet Game...Build up your BRUTE warrior

no registering
no info

click the link
give ur a warrior a name
give him/her an appearance
then fight me
after that you have 6 daily fights remaining
recruit pupils to help build up your strength

lots of fun!
kinda addictive!
