Female porn stars and tats?

I used to not like the idea of porn star women with tattoos until I started seeing some and now I just think they're hot and I'm not talking about one or two tats. I am really liking the women with sleeves and/or full back tattoos. My favorite tattooed porn starlet is Kerry-Louise...damn that British babe is hot!

What are you opinions? Like or hate porn star ladies with tattoos?

Feel free to list any tattooed porn starlets you know.
I personally am not a fan of tats in general, some can pull it off though. Janine Lindemulder for example


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Most of the girls that work for Joanna Angel have lot's of tattoos, generally I prefer my porn women tattooed but hey whatever gets you off know what I mean Vern.

Briana Lee

Official Checked Star Member
Tats can be sexy but they can also look awful. I love my tats and wouldn't be without them. They are apart of me and who I am as a person as they are for everyone else that has them.

But at the end of the day it's down to personal preference.

Harley Spencer

Official Checked Star Member
I love my tats and definitely want more! But first I should probably get the ones I have finished. The one of my arm needs some shading and color and I want to add some designs around the one going down my spine.

I don't care if other people don't have tattoos. But I do care when people bitch that I DO have tattoos. That's the difference between non-tattooed people and tattooed people. Non-tattooed folks like to pass judgments and tattooed fellas couldn't give a rats ass whether or not someone else has tattoos, fun colored hair, nipple piercings, or sticks chains in their backs and suspends themselves in the air. Do what you wanna do, naaaaw mean?! :)


Official Checked Star Member
Tats like Lolita Borgia's are sexy as hell
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Spank you babe! I luv my leg tatts but for me that's all I will get - but I do luv Violet Doll & Ari Dee for their tatts but that kind of look doesn't suit everyone... for them it makes them more beautiful & unique, for some it doesn't have quite the same effect xXx :2 cents::dominatrix:


Closed Account
Spank you babe! I luv my leg tatts but for me that's all I will get - but I do luv Violet Doll & Ari Dee for their tatts but that kind of look doesn't suit everyone... for them it makes them more beautiful & unique, for some it doesn't have quite the same effect xXx :2 cents::dominatrix:

I agree with you, which is why I don't have any tats, but god I love your tats ;)
It's funny.... I've always like tattoos in general and met several ladies with some - my mother even has one - but always thought I'd never go physically for a heavily tattooed lady, as I love the female form and was convinced I wouldn't want to it too "covered up." Then I discovered Christy Mack - sleeves, sailboat and all - and crushed massively for her. Then I started thinking that maybe I did like an inked girl, but certain areas with tattoos on would turn me on. But then I realized I think Bonnie Rotten looks fucking brilliant, and that blew that theory out of the water too.

I think with tattoos personally in terms of looks I think it goes along with a lot of body augmentation in that it depends on the girl. Some girls I prefer with either blonde or dark hair and when they go the other way for a change I think "not on you, love." Similarly in the past I've not been interested in a girl until she went the other way and I thought "wow, that's done you a world of good." Skin tone the same, some girls suit a tan, others I prefer pale as snow. It's the same with tattoos, I think some will suit them and others won't.

In terms of the bigger picture I do love tattoos when there is a story and some meaning behind them. My best mate got some crap put on his arms just because he thought it "looked cool" and I just thought that was pretty shallow. But then, he's a pretty shallow guy. I've spent ages deliberating what to have for mine because I want it to really mean something.