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Will E Worm



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Concrete Cock

Joe Biden = Poop
And this...


An 18-year-old US-Israeli citizen is allegedly behind most of the Jewish community center bomb threats
Peter Jacobs,Business Insider Thu, Mar 23 5:59 AM PDT

An 18-year-old man has been arrested in Israel over a series of bomb threats made to Jewish community centers worldwide over a six month period, according to The Jerusalem Post.

A US-Israeli citizen, the suspect is reportedly responsible for bomb and other threats across the US, as well as in Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. He is a Jewish Israeli, the Associated Press reports.

"Sources indicate that most of the cases of threats against Jewish communities and organizations, though not all, led investigators back to Israel," The Jerusalem Post reports.

It seems the suspect was born outside of the country, as The Jerusalem Post article notes he "made aliya" — a term used to describe someone who moved to Israel. The newspaper reports he "is not in the IDF, not ultra-Orthodox ... and possibly has psychological and social problems."

Israel reportedly intends to indict the 18-year-old in the country's courts and, according to The Jerusalem Post, it's unknown whether the US or other countries will look to extradite the suspect. The investigation was led by Israel with the help of the FBI and police from other countries, according to the AP.

The suspect's father has also been arrested, and is being questioned by Israeli authorities. Police believe the suspect "was the main operator of the scare-spree and might have even acted completely on his own," according to The Jerusalem Post.

Attacks and threats on the US Jewish community have grown since President Donald Trump's election in November.

"At least 100 Jewish community centers and schools in 33 states have reported bomb and other threats this year," AFP reported in early March.

Additionally, hundreds of gravestones have been vandalized in numerous incidents across the country.

Former Intercept reporter Juan Thompson was arrested by the FBI on March 3 in connection with bomb threats made to at least eight Jewish community centers, schools, and the Anti-Defamation League's Manhattan headquarters.

Police sources told ABC News and NBC News at the time that they didn't think Thompson was behind most of these threats.

Michelle Mark contributed reporting to this article.

Jack Davenport

I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
Yep, saw that yesterday.
His mom is claiming that he suffers from some sort of mental illness.

Concrete Cock

Joe Biden = Poop

Was Trump right about false flag anti-Semitism? Jewish teen arrested for bomb threats against Jewish institutions

International Business Times
Josh Robbins
International Business Times23 March 2017

Police in Israel have arrested a 19-year US-Israeli Jewish man in connection with a series of bomb threats made against Jewish community centre.

On 28 February US President Donald Trump hinted that the wave of hoax bomb threats made against Jewish organisations in the US could have been false flags (covert operations that are designed to deceive) . He was roundly criticised for telling a group of lawmakers: "Sometimes it's the reverse, to make people -- or to make others -- look bad".

Today (23 March) Israeli authorities have said that most -- though not all -- of the scores of high profile threats received in the US and abroad over the last six months could be traced back to Israel, according to the Jerusalem Post.

The Post reports that the suspect immigrated to Israel and is based in Ashkelon. They say he is not a member of the Israeli Defence Force or an ultra-orthodox Jew but little else is known about his profile.

He is alleged to have used sophisticated techniques to prevent himself from being identified. His father is being questioned by police as to whether he was aware of the his son's activities and possession of hardware including a large antenna.

More than 100 bomb threats have been made against Jewish institutions in the US and Canada in the first two months of the year. Hoax threats were also made against the Jewish museums in Sydney and London.

Police Spokesman Mickey Rosenfeld told the Jerusalem Post that the man "was the main suspect behind the numerous amount of threats which were made to different Jewish communities and organizations around the world."

Following a meeting with Trump on 28 February Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro attributed the "it's the reverse" claim to Trump.

Interfaith Alliance President Rabbi Jack Moline said at the time that Trump had displayed an "utter failure to comprehend the recent surge in violent rhetoric and attacks directed at Jews, Muslims and other religious minorities."

Today Rosenfeld said: "This is one of the numerous ongoing police operations that take place with other international security and intelligence organizations in order to try to find suspects."

"This specific investigation was complex in terms of the suspect and its nature and there was a significant breakthrough in the investigation which led us to make the arrest of the suspect who lives in Southern Israel."

Jack Davenport

I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
Trump is right about a lot of shit, he just needs to stop hitching his wagon to losers like Priebus and Ryan.

The other shoe is getting ready to drop about the surveillance too where he will be proven right.

I am enjoying watching the board's most prolific liar that claimed he voted for Trump squirm after opening his trap about proof :1orglaugh.

Trump seems to ram shit up these fuckers' ass just when they think they have him. lol
