Did you / Do you support the Occupiers?

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Will E Worm

The rap sheet so far. Article

Occupier rap sheet. Article

NY: 10/1/2011 — Police Arrest More Than 700 Protesters on Brooklyn Bridge
Madison, WI: 10-27-2011 — Madison Occupiers Lose Permit Due to Public Masturbation
Phoenix: 10/28/2011 — Flier at Occupy Phoenix Asks, “When Should You Shoot a Cop?”
NY: 10/18/2011 — Thieves Preying on Fellow Protesters
NY: 10/9/2011 — Stinking up Wall Street: Protesters Accused of Living in Filth as Shocking Pictures Show One Demonstrator Defecating on a POLICE CAR
NY: 10/7/2011 — Occupiers Rush Police … More
Cleveland: 10/18/2011 — ‘Occupy Cleveland’ Protester Alleges She Was Raped
NY: 10/10/2011 — ‘Increasingly Debauched’: Are Sex, Drugs & Poor Sanitation Eclipsing Occupy Wall Street?
Seattle: 10/18/2011 — Man Accused of Exposing Self to Children Arrested
10/12/2011 — Iran Supports ‘Occupy Wall Street’
Portland: 10/16/2011 – #OccupyPortland Protester Desecrates Memorial To U.S. War Dead
Portland: 10/15/2011 — #OccupyPortland Protesters Sing “F*** The USA”
Chicago: 10/17/2011 — COMMUNIST LEADER Cheered at Occupy Chicago
10/15/2011 — American Nazi Party Endorses Occupy Wall Street‘s ’Courage,‘ Tells Members to Support Protests and Fight ’Judeo-Capitalist Banksters’
Boston: 10/14/2011 — Coast Guard member spit on near Occupy Boston tents
Boston: 10/11/2011 — Boston Police Arrest Over 100 from Occupy Boston
New York: 10/11/2011 — “You Can Have Sex with Animals.”
New York: 10/15/2011 — Harassing Police with Accusations of Phony Injuries
New York: 10/9/2011 – ‘Occupy Wallstreet’ Protesters Steal from Local Businesses
New York: 10/25/2011 — Three Men Threatened to Kill 24-Year-Old Occupy Wall Street Protester for Reporting Rape
Baltimore: 10/18/2011 — #OccupyBaltimore Discourages Sexual Assault Victims from Contacting Police

1.NY: 10/1/2011 — Police Arrest More Than 700 Protesters on Brooklyn Bridge
2.Madison, WI: 10-27-2011 — Madison Occupiers Lose Permit Due to Public Masturbation
3.Phoenix: 10/28/2011 — Flier at Occupy Phoenix Asks, “When Should You Shoot a Cop?”
4.NY: 10/18/2011 — Thieves Preying on Fellow Protesters
5.NY: 10/9/2011 — Stinking up Wall Street: Protesters Accused of Living in Filth as Shocking Pictures Show One Demonstrator Defecating on a POLICE CAR
6.NY: 10/7/2011 — Occupiers Rush Police … More
7.Cleveland: 10/18/2011 — ‘Occupy Cleveland’ Protester Alleges She Was Raped
8.NY: 10/10/2011 — ‘Increasingly Debauched’: Are Sex, Drugs & Poor Sanitation Eclipsing Occupy Wall Street?
9.Seattle: 10/18/2011 — Man Accused of Exposing Self to Children Arrested
10.10/12/2011 — Iran Supports ‘Occupy Wall Street’
11.Portland: 10/16/2011 – #OccupyPortland Protester Desecrates Memorial To U.S. War Dead
12.Portland: 10/15/2011 — #OccupyPortland Protesters Sing “F*** The USA”
13.Chicago: 10/17/2011 — COMMUNIST LEADER Cheered at Occupy Chicago
14.10/15/2011 — American Nazi Party Endorses Occupy Wall Street‘s ’Courage,‘ Tells Members to Support Protests and Fight ’Judeo-Capitalist Banksters’
15.Boston: 10/14/2011 — Coast Guard member spit on near Occupy Boston tents
16.Boston: 10/11/2011 — Boston Police Arrest Over 100 from Occupy Boston
17.New York: 10/11/2011 — “You Can Have Sex with Animals.”
18.New York: 10/15/2011 — Harassing Police with Accusations of Phony Injuries
19.New York: 10/9/2011 – ‘Occupy Wallstreet’ Protesters Steal from Local Businesses
20.New York: 10/25/2011 — Three Men Threatened to Kill 24-Year-Old Occupy Wall Street Protester for Reporting Rape
21.Baltimore: 10/18/2011 — #OccupyBaltimore Discourages Sexual Assault Victims from Contacting Police
22.Portland: 10/27/2011 — Occupy Portland’s Attempt At Wealth Redistribution Ends In Theft
23.Los Angeles: 10/14/2011 – Anti-Semitic Protester at Occupy Wall Street
24.10/27/2011 — A Death Threat From an Occupy Wall Street Protester
25.10/27/2011 – Anti-Semitic Tweet From Occupier or Sympathizer
26.Boston: 10/20/2011 — Occupy Boston Doesn’t Want Police Involved in Rape
27.New York: 10/5/2011: Anti-Semitic Occupier Screams About Jews, Israel
28.New York: 10/4/2011 — Occupier Taunts Jewish Man
29.Boston: 10/2011 — Occupiers Block Street
30.New York: 10/2011 — Occupier Tries to Steal Police Officer’s Gun
31.New York: 10/27/2011 — Occupiers Block Traffic, Get Arrested
32.Oakland: 10/27/2011 — Occupiers Throw Garbage at Police
33.Oakland: 10/19/2011 — Abusive #OccupyOakland Protesters Ban Media from Tent City
34.Eugene, OR: 10/19/2011 — Occupiers Displace Farmers’ Market Threatening Hundreds of Jobs
35.Portland, OR: 10/18/2011 — Capitalist Offering Jobs at Occupy Portland Finds Few Takers
36.NY: 10/20/2011 — #OccupyWallStreet Threatens Businesses, Patrons
37.NY: 10/14/2011 — Violence Breaks Out During #OccupyWallStreet March Toward Stock Exchange
38.NY: 10/14/2011 — Protesters March On Wall Street, Scuffle With Cops
39.Oakland: 10/19/2011 — #OccupyOakland Protesters Threaten Reporter
40.Oakland: 10/26/2011 — Occupiers Scuffle with Police
41.Oakland: 10/24/2011 — Protesters Storm, Vandalize, Shut Down Chase Bank
42.Dayton, OH: 10/22/2011 — Protester: ‘F*ck The Military, F*ck Your Flag, And F*ck The Police’
43.Chicago: 10/14/2011 – Protesters’ Message At #OccupyChicago Rally: ‘Destroy Israel’
44.NY: 10/23/2011 — #OccupyWallStreet Supporter Rants Against Israel, Jews
45.NY: 10/22/2011 — #Occupy Kid: ‘Burn Wall Street, Burn!’
46.NY: 10/21/2011 — New Yorkers Fed Up With Noisy, Defecating Protesters
47.Oakland: 10/21/2011 — Occupy Oakland Evicted After Reports Of Crime And Intimidation
48.Oakland: 10/19/2011 — #OccupyOakland Out of Control: Rats, Graffiti, Vandalism, Sexual Harassment, Public Sex and Urination
49.Chicago: 10/26/2011 – Occupiers Under Investigation by FBI for Links to Terrorism
50.Cleveland: 10/29/2011 — Rape Reported at Occupy Cleveland
51.Dallas: 10/24/2011 — Police Investigating Possible Sexual Assault Of Teen At Occupy Dallas
52.Bloomington, IN: 10/26/2011 — Man Claims Occupy Bloomington Protesters Drugged, Handcuffed Him
53.NY: 10/10/2011 — Sex, Drugs and Hiding from the Law at Wall Street Protests
54.Glasgow: 10/26/2011 — Woman Gang-Raped
55.Boston: 10/23/2011 — Occupy Boston Protesters Arrested For Dealing Heroin – With 6 Year-Old in Tent
56.Portland: 10/16/2011 – Sex Offender Registers Occupy Portland Camp as Address
57.Denver: 10/15/2011 — Occupy Denver Demonstrator Accused of Groping TV Photographer
58.Lawrence, KS: 10/25/2011 — Sexual Assault Reported at Occupy Camp
59.Minneapolis, MN: Bricks, Rocks, ‘Riot Supplies’ Discovered by Police
60.Phoenix, AZ: 10/27/2011 — Neo-Nazis Patrol “Occupy Phoenix” With AR-15′s
61.Chicago: 10/26/2011 — Occupy Chicago Invades City Hall
62.10/26/2011 — ACORN, Occupy Email Talks About Assault on Banks
63.10/26/2011 – OccupyWallStreet Strategy for Reports of Violence Against Cops
64.Chicago: 10/26/2011 — Unrepentant Domestic Terrorist Bill Ayers Wows Occupiers
65.Chicago: 10/25/2011 — Ayers Coaches #OccupyChicago, Callsg for School ‘Occupations’
66.10/26/2011/ — Occupy Protests Have Jewish Leaders Concerned
67.Wash DC: 10/27/2011 – OccupyDC Leftists Provoke Police – Hang Flag on Top of DC Statue
68.Albuquerque, NM: 10/26/2011 — Occupy Squatters Riot With Police
69.San Diego: 10/25/2011 — Flag Used as Chew Toy by Occupier’s Dog
70.Oakland: 10/25/2011 — Occupiers Throw Bottles at Police
71.NY: 10/27/2011 — Occupy Wall Street Protesters: Rush Limbaugh Is Bigger Threat Than Al-Qaeda
72.10/27/2011 — Occupy Wall Street Launching First Nationwide General Strike in America Since 1946
73.NY: 10/28/2011 — Fox 5 News Reporter Assaulted at OWS
74.10/28/2001 — Total Occupy Arrests Made Thus Far: 2750
75.Nashville: 10/28/2011 — 30 Arrests Made at Wall St. Protest
76.NY: 10/20/2011 — Former Marine Tries to Taunt Police into Violence
77.NY: 1023/2011 — Islamist Group Joins with Occupy Wall Street
78.Los Angeles: 10/13/2011 — Roundup of Overt Occupy anti-Semitism
79.NY: 10/12/2011 — There are No Anti-Semites at Occupy Wall Street. Except for This Guy
80.Missoula, MT: 10/20/2011 — Drunk 11-Year-Old At Occupy Missoula, Adult Arrested
81.Oakland: 10/28/2011 — Bounty Out On Police Officer?
82.Manchester, NH: 10/28/2011 – Woman charged with pimping teen recruited at Occupy NH rally
83.San Diego: 10/28/2011 – 40 Occupiers arrested
84.Boston: 10/24/2011 — Occupy Boston Vandalism of Banks
85.Boston: 10/25/2011 – Store Owner Suffers 4 Break Ins Since Occupy Boston Began
86.Portland: 10/28/2011 — Portland Police: Buckets of Excrement Scattered Around #OccupyPortland Camp
87.Seattle: 10/20/2011 — Two Possible Occupiers Charged With Assault
88.Seattle: 10/18/2011 — Armed Felon Arrested at Occupy Seattle
89.Seattle: 10/18/2011 — A Tent Fight and (At Least) One Arrest at Occupy Seattle
90.Seattle: 10/17/2011 — Over 50 Cops Clear Westlake Occupation, Make Eight Arrests
91.Seattle: 10/13/2011 — Cops Arrest Several Occupy Protesters
92.Seattle: 10/13/2011 — Chanting Protesters Surround Police After Officers Arrest Two
93.Denver: 10/29/2011 — Protesters Clash with Police at OWS Denver
94.Austin: 10/13/2011 – Occupy Austin protesters arrested for blocking cleaning Crews
95.Calgary, CN: 10/28/2011 — Occupiers do $40,000 in Property Damage
96.Cincinnati, OH: 10/21/2011 — 23 Arrested, Remains of protests fill two dumpsters
97.Sacramento: 10/19/2011 – 9 arrested in ‘Occupy Sacramento’ protest
98.Sacramento: 10/13/2011 – Four More Occupy Sacramento Demonstrators Arrested
99.Austin, TX: 10/22/2011 – Man Arrested After Knife Incident at Occupy Austin Camp
100.Nashville: 10/29/2011 — Tenn. Protesters Arrested For 2nd Straight Night
101.Austin, TX: 10/30/2011 – Austin Police arrest 38 Occupy Austin Protesters
102.NY: 10/30/2011 — Woman Assaulted in Her tent
103.Orlando, FL: 10/28/2011 – Occupy Orlando, police clash over use of downtown park
104.Orlando, FL: 10/26/2011 – 2 Occupy Orlando protesters arrested for trespass
105.Orlando, FL: 10/22/2011 – Police arrest 19 Orlando protesters on trespass charges
106.Asheville, NC: 10/30/2011 – Occupiers Clash with Homeless in Asheville
107.Nationwide: 10/27/2011 — Pro-Occupy Site claims 2511 Arrests Thus Far
108.Fort Worth, TX: 10/16/2011 — Arrests at Occupy Fort Worth Protest
109.NY: 10/29/2011 — Three Incidents of Anti-Semitism
110.San Francisco: 10-29-2011 — Anti-Semitic, Folsom Street Fair Types & Che Guevara Lovin

Occupiers: "Rape Happens"

You know that the mainstream media is not going to ask the Occupiers why so many rapes have occured at Occupy Wall Street campouts across the nation.

But that's why MRCTV is here. So we went out to an Occupy DC protest and asked about the frequent sexual assaults.

Of course instead of condemning the behavior, like any normal person would do, these Occupiers tried to excuse the behavior away..




Was King of the Board for a Day
I visited one of the Occupy camps in D.C. earlier this year. Most of the people had gone to a rally but a few of them stayed behind to keep an eye on the tents. They were all very nice, they took me and my friends on a tour of the site, introduced us to some of the people who had joined the movement (one guy came all the way from San Francisco), and let us write on one of the tents where everyone else had put their name and some sort of message.
I support any Americans right to protest what they see as corrupt, wrong, illegal.

You're such a fucking douche.... along with all the other bags in this thread who support those asswipes.

Son, this 'douche' would own all day and twice on Sunday take it to the bank. You are either a 13 year old with no future or an angry old man with no life.
I doubt it.
Great comeback squid.........

But then again your not known for clean concise thinking now are you.

Answered your poll honestly and you choose to be insulting.........

Now get all fired up and put up a picture of Hitler or Heydrich and the entire board will eagerly await your next halfwit post.....
I guess you missed my point. Tell me what is corrupt, wrong, and illegal about anyone who earns money?


I guess You Missed my point. Tell me what is corrupt, wrong, and illegal about anyone who earns money?



See you also didn't read my post.

I stated that I support Americans right to protest what 'they' see as corrupt, wrong, and illegal weather I agree with their stance or not as I would never tell another person to give up their own hard earned money, way of life, or happiness.

This world can be a shitty hard assed place and what you can make of your corner of it is up to you who am I to tell you otherwise. All I ever ask is leave my part the fuck alone.

You were the one who didn't like my answer and immediately ripped the 'Douche' card out of your pocket.
If you look at the opening question... I didn't ask if you supported their "right" to protest. I asked if you supported the Occupiers. In other words... Do you support their ideology concerning their stance on the wealthy?
My personal belief is we need a flat tax in this country. You pay X % of your income to the federals or pay X % of your income to the state you live in. No sin taxes no gas taxes no grocery taxes no any other taxes. This is the only thing that works and is fair in my mind this Lawyer dominated, tax loophole, different right for different tax brackets bullshit has to go, it was antiquated 50 years ago.

As to the support? I in no way provided cash or sustenance to the occupy movement nor did I hinder it in any way. My thoughts were if that is what they want to do with their time so be it. As long as they don't riot, steal, or cause anarchy I could really give a shit.

As I said do what you want, have fun, but leave me the fuck alone. This has always worked for me.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
My personal belief is we need a flat tax in this country. You pay X % of your income to the federals or pay X % of your income to the state you live in. No sin taxes no gas taxes no grocery taxes no any other taxes.
I disagree with you here - I favor sales taxes over income taxes because sales taxes give me some control over how much tax I'm paying. I have to earn money, but I don't have to buy X or Y thing. If I didn't have to pay any income tax and essential items like food weren't taxed (yeah, I know what 'essential items' are is an entire discussion right there), I'd hardly pay any tax at all because I don't generally buy shit I don't need. This isn't to say I think having 0 income tax and put it all on sales tax would work or is even feasible; I'm no taxation expert. Simply that I support more of one and less of the other. :2 cents:

You also tax illegal incomes this way - after all, a drug dealer sure as hell isn't paying income tax but he's still buying things.
I disagree with you here - I favor sales taxes over income taxes because sales taxes give me some control over how much tax I'm paying. I have to earn money, but I don't have to buy X or Y thing. If I didn't have to pay any income tax and essential items like food weren't taxed (yeah, I know what 'essential items' are is an entire discussion right there), I'd hardly pay any tax at all because I don't generally buy shit I don't need. This isn't to say I think having 0 income tax and put it all on sales tax would work or is even feasible; I'm no taxation expert. Simply that I support more of one and less of the other. :2 cents:

You also tax illegal incomes this way - after all, a drug dealer sure as hell isn't paying income tax but he's still buying things.

I just always try and keep things as simple as possible harder to cheat harder to corrupt. As far as drug dealers their not paying taxes right now.
That also opens up my lets legalize everything think ill drop a thread on that.