Celebrity mugshot's

5' 11'', 120 lbs? That's underweight, even for most females! :eek:
parker said:
5' 11'', 120 lbs? That's underweight, even for most females! :eek:

Damn, I'm 6'3" and weigh 100 pounds more than him, and I'm skinny too! :eek:

Not as skinny as him though, but who is really, except for anorexics? ;)
Henneberg1974 said:
Does anyone have the Nick Nolte or James Brown mug shots? Those are the best!


Check out the link posted by FB.

I didn't realize half of those people had been arrested. Check out the mugshot taken of Glen Campbell... it certainly doesn't fit in with his public persona, although neither does drunk driving, hit and run, or assaulting a police officer. :shocked:
Re: Celebrity mugshots

This thread is a blast from the past, but it's always strangely amusing to see these... :wtf: :1orglaugh :tongue:

Here's the master list... http://www.thesmokinggun.com/mugshots/index.html

50 Cent (even back then he still looked unhappy and jaded!):


Marilyn Manson: http://www.thesmokinggun.com/mugshots/mmanson1.html

Bobby Brown (several!): http://www.thesmokinggun.com/mugshots/bbrownmug1.html

Bill Gates: http://www.thesmokinggun.com/mugshots/gatesmug1.html :eek:


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