[SOLVED] Can you ID hot blonde from TEN tv ad?!?!!..

Can you ID this hot blonde from the TEN tv ad called "The mehanic"?!!.. thnks in advance..


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Thanks to Undivulged he found her.. it's Kristen Claire Feldman.. and she's not in the porn industry.

Thanks amigo Undivulged and greetings from Panamá!!.. ;) ..
Thanks John_8581.. well it seems that I also started that thread like 6 years ago and I didn't remember.. I guess my mind is getting prematurely old.. haha.. but the good news is that our good friend and member of this board Undivulged got to ID the hot girl.. and that was also the most important matter from that old thread: The ID of the hot chick.. ;) .. thanks a lot to him!!.. ;) ..

Salu2 from Panamá!!.. ;) ..