Best video game system

Nintendo DS or Gamecube, Nintendo rules and always has ruled the console area. When Microsoft entered that area they had no idea what it is about, and thats why Xbox is just another PC in a nice chassis.
Another reason Nintendo is the best is that they always have created the funniest and most original games and they only release these games to their own consoles, so...


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I got to give it up for my PSP, when GTA Liberty City comes out it's going to be the best handheld game ever.
The dreamcast was a great console just not many people caught on to it, now i cant be arsed w/ games consoles so just use my reliable pc.


If you want absolute best graphics and you have a fast computer; then a PC for sure.
For convenience, sometimes the comsoles are better.
But overall, it's almost always PC's , imo.

I don't have the present generation consoles. But I have heard that PS2 is the best value. By far.


are you talking to me?
Dreacast was by far the best when came bad SEGA had that bad
marketing i believe PS2 is the best (according to sales and games)
and PS3 will lead the future......maybe.....
It is so hard to say what really is the best.... To decide the best you have to look at many aspects. Such as the controller, the graphics, prices, games, availability, connectivity, all of these and many other things.

Look at the Dreamcast for instance, great system, but I think it was ahead of its time. Plus to my knowledge it's the only system that had a fishing reel controller! How bad ass is that?? :D

Or step back a few years and look at the Nintendo. Anyone remember the Power Glove? Not very functional, but still was neat.

I am a sucker for add-on devices, not that they ever get used, but still something to pull out one day and show my kids...."Well son, this is my DDR mat, back in the day we used to watch what was known as a TV, and danced on the floor to make movements on the screen..." ;)

Currently I am torn between my loyalty to Sony, and the love of my XBOX. Both systems are great. Since I am into pro wrestling, I still love my PS2 because hands down they have the best wrestling games. But being able to play Halo2 with my friends and neighbors over the net is pretty sweet. I am excited, and nervous about the new systems coming out, I guess we just have to wait and see what comes in the next few months....

Think about it, if Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft got together and made one mother system, it would be great! I know you are thinking that I'm worng, but seriously. They would not have too worry about price wars. You won't have to worry about game ports to other systems, are they coming, or are they not... Then they can put more work into the games, and afterall thats what it is really about anyway.

You can have the most powerful console in the world, without the content....It will turn into an expensive DVD player.

Agree? Disagree? I'm curious what you think..
I've always been a big Nintendo fan, therefore any Nintendo system has my vote... hard to choose one particular system.


The best video game system is Playstation 2.

Saturn and Dreamcast are also ones of the best video game systeme ever seen.