It's only speculation that he'll be a villain. There's been no confirmation about who he's playing from the Nolan camp.
In The Dark Knight they announced the villain before they announced the actor.
Just sayin'.
I'll wait for an official confirmation because I remember when Anthony Michael Hall was cast in The Dark Knight, everyone was reporting he had a major villain role.
Batman 3 is being filmed in NOLA, so would that lead itself to the Croc storyline (I don't know the batman comics)
It's only speculation that he'll be a villain. There's been no confirmation about who he's playing from the Nolan camp.
In The Dark Knight they announced the villain before they announced the actor.
Just sayin'.
Mr. Nolan, please, sir, disregard the above and...
MAKE THE THIRD MOVIE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think the main villain has to be The Riddler. I don't see how a realistic Penguin character could come about...
I'm still jonesing for Clive Owen to somehow be in this film as a villain :yesyes: