Any stars who can make a guy cum just with a BJ?

Usually you see moneyshot where the guy has to finish himself off, or the woman resorts of a HJ finish. I find it somewhat rare that a girl can get the guy completely off with just her mouth and nothing else.
Are there any girls who are known to be able to do this, and do you have any recommended scenes/movies where she does this?


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Speaking as a penis's owner that has never had such a thing as a hands free finish from a bj... Or even a hands-on finish or really enjoyed it...

I hereby nominate myself to test her out.
I'm in Indiana And awaiting someone, anyone.. to not suck at sucking.
It's pretty rare when you think about it, no?

I think it's different for facefucks though. As in, if a guy is fucking the girl's mouth, it's easier to cum. But it's somehow different when the same mouth is giving a BJ.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
It's pretty rare when you think about it, no?

I think it's different for facefucks though. As in, if a guy is fucking the girl's mouth, it's easier to cum. But it's somehow different when the same mouth is giving a BJ.
Control the tempo. Control the everything.

It's amazing how awful girls are at eating a dick.

And yet there are decent pussy eaters, everywhere.

I'm NOT saying that old joke about a girl being able to talk for a whole day straight and yet her jaw hurts in 10 seconds from a dick is a thing. I'm not.

... But being an enterprising millennial pervert and having sucked various dicks... WOMEN ARE FUCKING LAZY OMG. You just use some coordination, some pressure on the suction and you keep going until you feel like you are going to suffocate. That's it. It's effort.

Same as eating a vaj, but with a pound less flesh in your mouth.
Some of my hundred dollar honeys have been serious chickenheads fortified with narcotics and bad self-esteem. Let's see how long someone holds out if she pulls her teeth out. Nothing completely empties me out like a gum job from a hooker who is a borderline hobo.
And yet there are decent pussy eaters, everywhere.
Is that really true though?

I think the same argument can be made for the ladies - that there isn't really a male who can make her cum just with his mouth.
Now a girl getting another girl off with just oral - that I might believe.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
That good succ.

I've only seen videos of it.

So .. It exists.


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