Finally, a true way to know the size of my penis. Positive rep to you, Petr...oh. Ah...I guess not.
Oh shit...
I can take it away, one point at a time. At first you'll never notice but then someday you'll think "hey, I wasn't negative repped, why am I missing reputation." Perhaps you'll remember the insult you flung my way, perhaps not. But you'll always wonder....'did I have that reputation yesterday?"
dunn dunn dunnn
I can take it away, one point at a time. At first you'll never notice but then someday you'll think "hey, I wasn't negative repped, why am I missing reputation." Perhaps you'll remember the insult you flung my way, perhaps not. But you'll always wonder....'did I have that reputation yesterday?"
I can take it away, one point at a time. At first you'll never notice but then someday you'll think "hey, I wasn't negative repped, why am I missing reputation." Perhaps you'll remember the insult you flung my way, perhaps not. But you'll always wonder....'did I have that reputation yesterday?"
Yeah, but then you'll have Andronicus starting threads about his missing rep on every section of the board. You don't really want that, do you?
Mine still hasn't gone up, you've all screwed me over for the last time![]()