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Search results

  1. M

    Republicans post-2020 attempt to steal future elections

    Kinda surprised this hasn't gotten a mention here yet. I assume that we're all a little exhausted still, I know I am, but republicans are still out there trying their hardest to subvert democracy any way they can, and after trump's colossal loss last year they're working extra hard to make sure...
  2. M

    Jen Psaki showing us how a real press secretary does it

    The last loathsome, airheaded shrew got her own thread for taking a daily shit on the American public, so why not a smart, honest, direct press secretary who actually does the job well? Here she is, politely and professionally eviscerating fox stooge peter doocy, who thinks he's got her backed...
  3. M

    The despicability of right wing medias and their hatred for Biden

    We're barely 2 weeks into the Biden presidency and the ******* of bullshit coming from the right is getting faster and deeper by the minute. Could be fun to share some of them. Biden seems to be making all the right moves so far, but to hear it from them it's already a failed, incompetent...
  4. M

    AOC deserves a fucking thread.

    I find myself more and more wanting to talk about what AOC is up to lately, because she's where the fight is. She's an enraged pitbull and the dems need to unleash her and then get right fucking behind her. There's a lot of people doing a lot of good work for the...
  5. M

    Happy holidays 2020

    G'day y'all. Whatever you celebrate at this time of year, hope you do it well and enjoy it. This being Australia, it's about 30 degrees today, (86ish in voodoo degrees). Presents are all unwrapped, I made eggs, bacon, hash browns, mushrooms and tomatoes for breakfast, the main squeeze just...
  6. M

    America's post-election insanity

    Thought I'd have a go at making a place to discuss all the bullshit that's happening now that doesn't quite fit into existing threads. Things like the harassment and threats to people just doing their jobs, even republicans who might be thinking about trying to restore sanity. Also civil rights...
  7. M

    Mitch fucking McConnell

    This slimy piece of shit has flown under the radar for too long. He's done more damage to the US in the last 6 years than trump could even dream of, but doesn't get anywhere near the attention he deserves. So when I saw that he published an op-ed titled Will Dems work with us, or simply put...
  8. M

    This is NOT democrats vs republicans

    It's no secret that I'm not a fan of trump supporters, but I have even more contempt for those who sit on the sidelines and claim that what's happening in the US right now is business as usual partisanship. It's usually done from a position of arrogance and superiority - look at all these...
  9. M

    Anyone wanna talk about CHAZ?

    For anyone who doesn't know, CHAZ is the "Capital Hill Autonomous Zone" protesters have set up in Seattle. I think it's kind of a bold move, potentially by both sides, so I decided to find out as much as I could and It's been pretty interesting, so if you've got some thoughts on this rather than...
  10. M


    The greatest political crime in the history of the United States, probably even the universe. You all know what he did. It's all coming out now. Looks like Obama and his minions are in a heap of trouble. People get ready!
  11. M

    trump's Coronavirus Failures and Lies

    High time we had a thread here just for this subject. As trump and his administration continue to fumble, deny, blame, lie, and rewrite history, it's all out there for everyone to see what an incompetent idiot this man is, leading a government made up of people who have no idea or no interest in...
  12. M

    Irreconcilable differences

    I don't post here as much as I used to, because it does get exhausting and I have (arguably) better things to do. But I do keep an eye on things. I've been meaning to post a thread like this for a while, and reading through the bullshit that whimsy and FOUser#4510856320198a have been spraying all over...
  13. M

    Trump deficit to hit 1 trillion this year

    And then stay there for at least the next 4 years....https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-03-11/trump-2020-budget-sees-1-trillion-deficits-for-next-four-years Remember when Obama was president and the deficit was the most important thing in the world? Deficit spending is fine, and...
  14. M

    Trump begs Mexican President to lie for him

    So here's the other leaked transcript that nobody wants to talk about. It shows the dealmaker in chief practically begging Mexican president Peña Nieto to lie about paying for the border wall to cover his big orange ass by trying to convince him that this is a big problem for both of them. on...
  15. M

    A couple of questions for trump supporters

    I'm not looking for any "debate" in this thread, just some honest answers to things I'm genuinely curious about. This past weekend, Mike Pence and Tom Price were out in public trying to push support for the (now most likely dead) BCRA. They both repeated that the Act will cover more people...
  16. M

    Repubs finally achieve budget success!

    Well, I have to hand it to drumpf and his team. The overcooked ham hock managed to avoid a government shutdown and continue funding the government with a bill that shows exactly where priorities are for the US. The bill provides increased spending for the National Institute of Health, the...
  17. M

    Step 1 - Get rid of the filibuster

    That's right, the favorite tool of republicans for the last 8 years is going to be the first thing on the chopping block, according to Scott Walker. He may not have had the personality to win the presidency, but he is an expert at stripping freedom from the middle class, and that's going to make...
  18. M

    Not visiting America again in the forseeable future

    My last visit was to Wisconsin a couple of months ago. Clean up your shithole and solve your republican problem if you want citizens of first world countries to spend money there again. There, I said it.
  19. M

    Scott Walker does something that doesn't suck???

    In what is most likely the first action ever taken by Scott Walker that doesn't directly harm Wisconsin residents, he has signed into law a bill banning the manufacture and sale of products containing microbeads -...
  20. M

    Keith Ablow is hilarious

    This assclown is now my favorite fox news idiot. I can't believe he's a psychiatrist. He says we should be going on a jihad to force every other country to adopt our constitution, because it has always worked so smoothly here...
  21. M

    [SOLVED] NOT Milla Albuquerque

    She's been on the freeones front page a few times and I would really like to see more if it exists. Thanks in advance.
  22. M

    Republicans can't think of anything to do!

    That's right, with only 18 work days left in this year, the party that says everything is wrong yet somehow inexplicably does nothing to fix it has taken a look around and said "welp, nothing left to do here!" and are talking about cancelling some of their 18, count them, 18 remaining work days...
  23. M

    [SOLVED] Brunette with Michelle Thorne?

    Anybody have anything on this one? I'd like to see more. Thanks! http://photos.freeones.com/m_babes/Michelle_Thorne_040/
  24. M

    [SOLVED] Redhead from main page

    I doubt I'm the first person to ask about this one, but I searched through many pages and couldn't find an ID in here. Anyone got a clue? Thanks.
  25. M

    Naming the "other girl" in clips and pics

    I'm not sure how you guys go about making up the names for the picture sets and video clips you post on the front page (great job on those, btw, LOVE checking them out), but often they involve more than one girl who I'd like to see more of, but they are never identified. For example, currently...
  26. M

    Free DVD copying software recommendations?

    Hey gang, I've been using the same old copy of DVD shrink to rip DVD's for like 5 years now, but I have a new computer running Vista 64 and thought it might be time to update with a newer free download DVD ripper/burner. Obviously there's tons out there so I was hoping to avoid the sifting...
  27. M

    Forgot to change clock...

    So anyone else forget about daylight saving and show up to work an hour early? I actually deliberately came to work early today to get some extra stuff done, but forgot to change my clock as well, so I got here about 4:40 am for a 7 am start time. Don't I feel silly! :rolleyes:
  28. M

    Brunette with great ass

    In this set: http://photos.freeones.com/c_babes/Clara_G._004/ Thanks. :glugglug:
  29. M

    Pole dance lesson

    Pole dancing, chick fight, see for yourselves. http://www.keepbusy.net/play.php?id=pole-dancing-blooper-turns-into-chick-fight
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  31. M

    Idiots being idiotic

    I just can't get enough of seeing people fall victim to their own stupidity. Fortunately no real people were hurt. http://www.keepbusy.net/play.php?id=truck-surfing-gone-wrong
  32. M

    Cat Pictures

    I don't know about anyone else, but I'm growing weary of clicking on a thread in here, hoping for a funny pic, but just getting another stupid picture of some idiot's cat doing something dumb. I know some people think it's cute to photoshop a picture of a cat and throw some misspelled text in...
  33. M

    People who deserve a slow painful death

    I'm not talking about the usual silly answers like lawyers and politicians, I mean people who really are legitimately scum, serve no real purpose to mankind, and who we'd be better off without. I'm going to start off with anyone who is responsible for, involved with, or who has profited from...
  34. M

    Something to do

    I got this in an e-mail and figured this would be a good place to spread the word. If you care, add your name and get forwarding. I sure did. For his Memory Do you remember February 1993 in England , when a young boy of 3 was taken from a Liverpool shopping centre by two 10-year-old boys...
  35. M

    I'm sick of Mac's bullshit

    Who else is sick of the bullshit smear campaign being run by Macintosh lately? Are they using the same people as the McCain campaign? All they do is just stand there and say that PCs are stupid, Mac's are cool, and vista sucks. Very informative. And now that Microsoft has launched counter-ads to...
  36. M

    Must see

    If anyone hasn't seen this talented artist yet, you've been missing out! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fmfL5sJ7F4&feature=related
  37. M

    Funny flash

    This is a pretty cool flash animation I just saw: http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs13/f/2007/077/2/e/Animator_vs__Animation_by_alanbecker.swf
  38. M

    Attention Steam Users!

    Beware the free game available through steam called Trackmania Nations Forever! I downloaded it last night and am afraid it will ruin my life and cost me everything I have. It consists of many many short fast races on crazy tracks and ranks your performance against everyone else who plays it...
  39. M

    Some US pride

    I saw these posted on another forum, I think it's an e-mail going around at the moment, well worth the read. Every American should read these Four SHORT, but GREAT Stories ... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When in England at a fairly large conference, Colin Powell was asked by the...
  40. M

    From John Cleese to America

    I'm not sure if John Cleese wrote this himself, I got it in an e-mail. If you don't know who John Cleese is, he's a very funny British comedian (no that's not a typo, a funny Brit). Even Americans should get a laugh out of this if they have a sense of humor. Letter to America from John...
  41. M

    An optimist and his marriage contract

    Just read the link, it's well worth it. Enough said: http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/0217062contract1.html
  42. M

    Who Is the brunette?

    In this new Savannah Samson set? http://photos.freeones.com/v_various/Vivid/Savanna_Samson_003/ Thanks
  43. M

    Cindy Synette

    If I am wrong, I apologise, but I don't think this girl has her own thread here, and sure as hell deserves one. Trouble is, she doesn't seem to have existed before all this Sin business with Bianca beauchamp. I offer you, Cindy Synette. Pics of her and Bianca in Sin garb Vid shot by one of the...
  44. M

    Hot redhead ID please

    Does anyone happen to know who is with Catalina Cruz in this set? I would like to see more. http://photos.freeones.com/c_babes/Catalina_Cruz_020/
  45. M

    catalina cruz's friend

    hey, does anyone know who is that girl with catalina cruz in the set linked from the freeones home page currently? i would like to see more of her. thanks