
Slave For A Night

Released at: August 22, 2022 by Penthouse
Doesn't everyone like to be dominated now and again? There is no shame in wanting to be someone's slave for a night. It can be exciting and explosive. I highly recommend testing this theory out. Explore your deepest desires and become someone's slave for the night. Who knows, maybe this will be where you truly find yourself, under someone's demand.

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Scene1: 00:02:02 - 00:16:51 (14:49)

Scene2: 00:16:53 - 00:37:44 (20:51)

Scene3: 00:37:46 - 00:59:38 (21:52)

Scene4: 00:59:41 - 01:14:27 (14:46)

Scene5: 01:14:51 - 01:29:36 (14:45)