Synthetic Love Review

Review: 24 de marzo de 2023, reviewer Neil
12 vistas

Sex was always amazing, and the main character in Synthetic Love, biochemist Victor, the inventor of the serum that makes the sexual experience even better, is on the road to getting rid of the side effects this invention has. This game aims to complete several tasks and receive 10+ uncensored sex scenes in return. The game is currently free to play on your PC and offers no in-game shop that will help you skip to the end.

First of all, it's worth mentioning that Synthetic Love is currently on a big discount and can be yours for $0. The actual price is $4.90, but if you hurry up, you can get this amazing game for free. It seems like this game is only available for a computer, so if you want to play this game on your phone while traveling, you won't be able to. The game file is not that big, and it takes just a minute to download. The game is ready to play right after the download. You won't even have to install it.

Search for clues

At the very beginning of the game, you will have to start looking for clues about what is happening in the game because the main character, Victor, developed a serum for a better sexual experience, but it has a side effect. That side effect is memory loss, so you will have to look for clues all around the house in order to proceed further in the game. The game doesn't have a mandatory tutorial because there is really no need for one. All you have to do is read the dialogue at the bottom of the screen, and you will know what to do. If you happen to skip all the dialogue because you want to skip the waiting part, you have nothing to worry about. You just need to click on something, and if you missed what you were looking for, you will get a tip on the screen that says something like "call the doctor."

Complete the missions

This whole story is happening in an isolated private residence, and you will have to interact with three gorgeous girls while playing through Synthetic Love. These three girls are your assistants, and you will have to do different tasks for or with them in order to complete the missions. Some missions will be quite easy, like putting on your pants or finding a phone, but other missions will require a little more effort. Regardless of the difficulty of the mission, the game was actually pretty fun to play because you have 15+ locations where the story is playing out, meaning it won't get boring by watching things happen in the same room over and over again.

Three different endings

You know how most games have only one way of playing this game, right? Well, Synthetic Love is nothing like there because you can have 3 different endings. This is because the game offers a choice system, so the ending depends solely on the decisions you make while playing the game. Once you make a choice, you can't go back and change it. Luckily, the game has a manual save on top of the automatic one, so if you aren't sure if you are about to make the right decision or not, you can save the game and later come back to that point again if you don't like the outcome.

No in-game shop

It's nice for a change to see a game that doesn't have an in-game shop. This means you won't be able to pay to skip the missions. It's all about enjoying the experience while finding various clues in order to complete the mission. After all, it will feel much better when you earn your reward after putting in some work. You won't get as many sex scenes at the very beginning of the game as expected, but there will be more rewards the further you come in the game. Since the main character invented a serum for better sex, you can only imagine what kind of animated videos you will get.

Various packages at Nutaku

I've mentioned that the game is currently on sale and can be yours for free, but if you don't manage to try this game in this period, you will have to pay for it. The store on the Nutaku site offers various packages with gold, and in most cases, $1 is worth 100 gold. However, if you opt for some started or recurring packs, you will get more gold for your money. Creating an account on this site is completely free, and if you decide to verify your account, you will get 200 free gold, and you can use it to pay less for this game or buy something else.


It's not every day we get to play a sex game that offers three different endings. Synthetic Love is a game that features the main character, Victor, who wants to create a serum that will enhance sexual experience, but still has some problems. He has to find a way to get rid of the side effect that causes memory loss. The best way to test the results is by having sex with three unique girls who are his assistants as well. You will have to complete multiple missions in order to get those sweet rewards later. Keep in mind that the choices you make will affect the outcome of the game. Luckily, you can create a save point and later come back to it if you don't like the ending.

Synthetic Love is currently on sale and can be yours for free, but the actual price of the game is $4.90. The game is not playable directly on the browser, so you will have to download a game file to your PC. Also, this game works only on a computer, so if you want to play this amazing sex game on your phone, you won't have much luck.

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