SF Girls - Action RPG Review

Review: April 14, 2023, reviewer Neil

Jump into the futuristic universe where you have to fight enemies in order to get some big animated titties in return. SF Girls is a completely free game, playable on all compatible devices without the need to download any game files. The goal of the game is to complete various missions ahead of you, upgrade your playable characters and go into PVP battles to show everyone you are the best.

Everyone loves games that are free, and SF Girls is no different. If you want to play a futuristic game in which you have to go into various battles, defeat the enemy and get nice rewards in return, then you will have a lot of fun while playing the game. It seems like the game is compatible with all devices, meaning you can play it on your computer, tablet, and phone. The best part is that you don't even have to download the game. You can just play it directly through the browser. It might take a few minutes for some files to load, but once that is done, you are ready to enjoy the game.

Nudity comes quickly

There is a short tutorial at the beginning of SF girls, but you can skip most parts of it. The tutorial isn't optional, meaning you will have to do things the computer tells you, but you can skip the long and boring dialogue, luckily. Even though you might not be happy that you have to play the tutorial, the good news is that it doesn't last long, and you will be able to play freely after just a few minutes of following the instructions.

I'm sure you will like the part where a lot of animated titties just bounce around the screen. Even before you get your animations that can be interacted with, you will see sexy animated characters on the side of the screen that have almost nothing on their amazing figures. I got my first reward after the first mission and was honestly surprised. Usually, you have to play for quite some time until you get to see a girl naked, but not in SF Girls. I guess they wanted to keep the attention of all players, and this seems like the best way. It surely made me continue playing the game.

Missions are getting harder

A couple of missions, in the beginning, are really easy to play. You literally can't lose them. However, the further you go in the game, the harder the missions will get. The goal of battles is to click on the screen, and your characters will attack in that direction. There's no need to learn some tricks or something like that because you can just click rapidly on the screen, and you will defeat all the enemies. Before going into battles, you will have to choose which characters you want to use for that battle. You can do it manually, but you can just click on the "auto-fill" button, and the computer will automatically fill all available slots with your characters. You start the game with two characters, but you will be able to unlock more along the way and upgrade them.

Use coins to upgrade your characters

Keep in mind that the game has a shop, and you should really use it to purchase upgrades while playing. It might not seem like you will need them in the beginning, but you definitely will after a couple of missions. You just won't be able to defeat the wave of enemies that are headed your way without having multiple upgraded characters. All missions will give you some coins that can be used to purchase upgrades, but other missions will also give you some nice animations. It might take a while until you earn enough money to purchase all the game's upgrades, but there is a solution.

If you want to be the best in the game and beat all the enemies heading your way, you will need all upgrades you can purchase. Since you won't have enough money in the beginning, you can deposit your real money into the account and convert it to gold coins. If you check out the store, there are all kinds of deals at the moment, and you can convert those gold coins into in-game money and later purchase all the upgrades you want. The cheapest gold package you can get costs $1, but it won't give you enough gold coins for the least expensive package in the game. The price gradually increases, so you will find at least one gold package within your budget, giving you a great advantage in the game.


Isn't it nice when you get the chance to play a futuristic game where you can enjoy amazing sights of busty animated girls who like to do all kinds of dirty things? SF Girls is a free-to-play game compatible with multiple devices and can be played without downloading anything to your device. Playing the game is really simple, but you will have a tutorial at the very beginning of the game to ensure you get the basics down before heading into various battles to get those sweet rewards.

You'll start the game with two playable characters, which will be enough to complete a couple of first missions, but you will need to purchase upgrades along the way in order to beat bigger waves of enemies. The shop offers numerous upgrades that can be purchased with in-game cash, but since you won't have enough in the beginning to get all the upgrades right away, you can spend some of your real money to be the best in the game. If you don't want to spend hours playing SF Girls in order to purchase the best upgrades, you can deposit some money into your Nutaku account and head into battles without worrying that you will lose.

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